Our latest newsletter: Pentacle Theatre moves onto regional AACTOneActFest

Pentacle Theatre’s production of The Zoo Story won the Outstanding Performance award at the Oregon Community Theatre Alliance one-act competition Saturday during the Cherry Blossom Theatre Festival. Adjudicators’ reactions: “Moving.” “Authentic.” “Genuine.” “Moments of laughter and heartbreak.” “A realistic examination of friendship and human connection.” Read the whole newsletter. 

Jesus Christ Superstar cast announced

Jesus- Brian Smith Judas- Jeff Sanders Mary- Lise Shearer Pilate- Isaiah Burrell Caiaphas – Lance Nuttman Annas- Ty Hendrix Peter- Brett Hochstetler Simon Zealots – Adam Anderson Herod – Kevin Hamler-Dupras Ensemble: Karl Anderson, Lauren Alexander, Ian Barth, Emma Blanco, Alan Cheshire, Claire Clubb, Lauren Donovan, Zoey Hock, Ellie Knoll, Amanda Konstantin, Sarah Landstrom, Emily…