Auditions for “A Pentacle Evening of Comedy”

What: A Pentacle Evening of Comedy open auditions for a showcase of monologues and scenes.  Directed by Heather Toller, assisted by the ‘What’s Next’ workgroup, and emceed by Tom Hewitt. This will be an in-person, outdoor event and will primarily consist of pieces that participants present during the auditions. When: The performance will be Aug.…

Open auditions for Oscar Wilde comedy “An Ideal Husband”

What: Open auditions for a modern adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy of manners, An Ideal Husband. Adapted and directed by Emily Adela Loberg. When: Online auditions via Zoom at 2 p.m. May 2. Contact the director if you have a schedule conflict. Where: Virtual auditions will be held online using the Zoom meeting platform…

Our commitment to a safe return to live theater

The Pentacle Theatre Governing Board has three important priorities: the physical health and safety of our patrons and volunteers the financial health of the organization compliance with all applicable health and workplace safety requirements Naturally, the recent change in Polk County’s risk level from extreme to high has many of you excited to get right…

What’s Next proposal process defined

The Pentacle Theatre Governing Board has adopted a proposal process for virtual productions and other projects during the pandemic. The process is detailed here. For more information, contact Heather Dunkin Toller. The board has also approved COVID-19 protocols for any production that will bring people into the same room. Members of the What’s Next? Workgroup:…

Pentacle Theatre changes lives

Dear Friend of Pentacle Theatre: You may not recognize me or my name. I haven’t really been in the lime light. But I’m writing to you about something very important to the both of us: Pentacle Theatre. You and I love our beautiful little theater in the woods. Undoubtedly, we have an endless list of…